Monday, May 16, 2005

just my 2 cents worth on the whole singapore-boys-are-immature fracas.

now, our dear friend philip has already and undoubtedly will continue to be torn apart by just about every other singaporean blog, and probably in a better fashion than i could manage at 3 in the morning and what feels like a sickie coming on.

so i'll just restrict myself to immature personal attacks which are wayyy easier to make - besides! friend philip says you can attack him but not his work! if not he'll bomb you flat! soooo...

friend philip says : "you are immature even after those years in national service"

i say : that's because national service makes us immature!

friend philip says : i don't want yellow weaklings...i want people who can ski and jump out of planes blah blah blah

i say : look at the photo of yourself in the ST! you look quite the yellow weakling yourself!

nyah nyah nyah!

there. all done.


At 8:28 AM, May 16, 2005, Blogger louist said...


whiners unite.

At 6:37 AM, May 17, 2005, Blogger -- said...

i'm lost .... who said what, where?

At 7:44 PM, May 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

philip yeo, head of astar, called sg boys whiny and immature and said he should give scholarships solely to girls and foreigners. basically.

i think louis has the whole article on his blog, you can read it there.

you must be glad you aren't in singapore anymore, hah! ;-)


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