Tuesday, April 15, 2003

to all the shameless people demanding free meals from me on the grounds that i'm making lots of money without having to do anything more strenuous than pick my nose and wonder how long more i can read magazines before its time to go for my coffee break, well, my zillion pages of notes are folding themselves into cute little origami fingers and saying ( with their artfully crafted origami mouths, of course ) "up yours, jack!"

there are like, tons of checklists i have to memorise, as well as maps and flight paths and procedures and rules and whatnot to learn. did you know you can only climb above 2500' when you're 5Nm away? incidentally, one dood read that as "5 nano-miles" today. don't laugh. i'm sure that's what you thought too. :-p

even though the senior courses are also starting to make noise about our discipline ( shades of hendon! ), this is all nevertheless infinitely better than chiong swaing back at changi.

you know, i don't really know where i'm headed with this. i think i was trying to whine about how hard life is in fts ( only 2 breaks a day, besides lunch! and only 2 hours for sports! simply intolerable! ). uhm. so...feel sorry for me? ;-p

parting shot - an example from my notes on stadard r/t phraseology: "tamworth tower, harrier **, 2 POB, received ( ATIS CODE ), ready for gate west, request 4500".
