Thursday, May 22, 2003

May 21, 2003

Today's full list:

The Top 20 Things You Seldom Hear Rappers Say

20> "Do these pants come in a smaller size?"

19> "Just a Fresca for me, thanks."

18> "Can't hang out, man. Gotta take little Timmy here to
ballet class."

17> "Let's go with the plain white enamel crown, please."

16> "Oops, my briefs are showing!"

15> "Coco Chanel always said to look in the mirror before leaving
the house and remove at least one piece of jewelry."

14> "Ain't no such thing as 'too much banjo.'"

13> "Hey, you're going to damage the needle doing that!
Just let it play!"

12> "Who's up for 'Pictionary'?"

11> "I'm just sayin', dogg, superstring theory may be the only
beeyotch steppin' up right now as the possible grand
unified theory of physics, but until we can experimentally
verify that it be the shizznit, I ain't down wit it, cuz."

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10> "Man, turn that bass down. I can scarcely hear myself think!"

9> "No... thank YOU, officer. I believe I *have* learned a
valuable lesson this time."

8> "We don't use potty talk in *this* house, little mister!"

7> "This Zima is the shiznizzle, but two is my limit."

6> "Now THAT'S good matzo!"

5> "We can't record it this way, with all of these grammatical
errors -- for gosh sakes, we're role models!"

4> "I disagree, Kyle. Yanni could kick Tesh's ass."

3> "Calgon, take me away!"

2> "Heavens to Betsy, ladies! Cover those booties immediately!
You'll catch your death of cold!!"

and's Number 1 Thing You Seldom Hear Rappers Say...

1> "Now wave your hands in the air like you're trying to catch
fireflies on a warm Cape Cod summer evening!"