Monday, May 10, 2004

if there's a hell on earth, then the jungles of temburong is definitely it.

i've spent the past 3 weeks being rained on every night, crawled over by insects, getting stuck in knee deep mud, wading in chest deep water, being washed away by river currents, getting my hands cut up by thorns, eating a packet of 3in1 milo powder for lunch ( a balanced lunch is if you eat a packet of cereal too ), drinking brown river water, and, most of all, walking with a 20+ kg load 12 hours every damn day up and down and up and down over every damn knoll ( including the odd 800-footer as well as mt biang - 1500 ft ) there is in the area ( approx. 164,567 - there simply isn't any flat ground in temburong ). actually, maybe only half the time walking. the other half you're on all fours because its so goddamn steep and the ground is so goddamn slippery. on the down slopes you simply sit down and slide.

the day after the final mission, the camp looked like a scene out of "dawn of the dead" - about 1 in 3 people were shambling around with footrot. not a pretty sight.

but anyway. what's important is that i survived, i'm back, and i'm eating some exquisite movenpick chocolate cherry icecream which i found in the freezer.

its good to be home.


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