Sunday, October 12, 2003

October 7, 2003

(Today's list was originally published on November 15, 2001)

The Top 15 Questions to Which You Don't Want to Know the Answers

15> "If that's not chocolate, then what is it?"

14> "How contagious are you?"

13> "Did I really just say his badge looks ridiculous?"

12> "What, exactly, IS eating Gilbert Grape?"

11> "How many more Star Trek series can they come up with?"

10> "Why would you pay me money to eat that?"

9> "What's keeping that beltless vagrant's pants up?"

8> "To whom in the bar are those unkind words from the screaming
biker directed?"

7> "When you say 'about average,' exactly how many other men are
you comparing me to?"

6> "What would happen if Gary Condit and Katherine Harris had a

5> "In order to establish the legality of your entitlement,
Miss Smith, can you please describe for the court exactly
how you consummated your marriage to Mr. Marshall?"

4> "What's inside this letter from the IRS?"

3> "Honey, why are you so sick each morning?"

2> "No, I've never heard of Amway. What is it?"

and's Number 1 Question to
Which You Don't Want to Know the Answer...

1> "Oh, yeah?? Well, who's gonna MAKE me?!?"