Saturday, November 15, 2003

new toy:

i'm torn between reading the manual and doing something else. too little friggin' time. plus this week is recall manning week so i'm liable to get called back to camp any time. probably at 2am sunday or something - whatever time GSOC thinks most inconvenient. so if you see / hear "magic lamp" or "trump card" on the tv / radio, tell me. well actually don't tell me because there'll be a dozen other people telling me already. plus i've got yet another live firing on monday so that means booking in at 1900 tomorrow.

on the bright side this phase of training ends in 2 weeks. i'll finally get promoted to a corporal then. allowance will rise from a paltry 650 to a slightly-less-paltry 720. after that i'm rejoining my old company. we'll be learning to drive LSVs - light strike vehicles - quite cool. i hope i get to drive too. hah! you bloody mercedes' and mammoth SUVs think you rule the road? well, eat my SPIKE*!

i haven't written anything requiring thought in this blog for a long time now. i imagine my blog is rather boring now. blame it on the army ( of course ). no time to think. no time to do shit. no time to even feel sorry for myself.

maybe not that last one.

i suck.

there aren't enough power sockets in my room. i ought to buy an add-more-sockets-thingy. but i'm vaguely worried that i'll overload it and make my computer burst into flame. which would be pretty cool. but a wee bit hard on the pocket.

absence makes the heart grow fonder - very true of junk food. i eat all sorts of junk food on weekends. lard fried rancid corn grits? gimme. just don't tell me what a grit is - i'm scared to find out.

moving house soon. moving is a real chore. and a bore. boring chore. choring bore. whoring sore.

that sounds incredibly gross.

please please please don't recall me.

i feel a little sleepy but sleep is a waste of time.

* missile. makes things go boom.