Monday, May 10, 2004

frustration - i spend ages downloading different versions of l'auberge espagnole only to find they aren't subtitled. then i discover they're showing it on krisworld on the flight to brunei. but the flight isn't long enough and i only watch half of it. then on the flight home, they've changed to programme!

i'm contemplating taking french lessons.

just finished d/ling goodbye lenin too and it was - as i knew it would be but still went ahead downloading in the futile hope that my pathetic hope would make Someone Up There take pity on me and mystically subtitle it for me - in german.

incidentally i heard a bit of alex parks ( are you sure she isn't korean? :-p ) too, lyn.
she sucks lah. are you still gaga over her?

for some strange reason, you can receive this english - as in from england - english radio station, capitol 95.8fm in brunei. they keep playing this song "in the shadows" by the rasmus, some finnish band iirc. are they playing that here? cool song.


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