Sunday, May 04, 2003

met my sec sch friends for the first time in quite a while yesterday. we used to meet pretty regularly in jc but all that's been shot to pieces lately 'cos of ns, though.

so we went to watch x-men. i heard the full title of the movie is x-men2: x-men united or sth like that but i guess the producers realised how cheesy it was 'cos they didn't put that title in the movie. smart move. we wouldn't have managed to get tickets but we managed to snag some prime seats when they released the uncollected reservations. muahahaha. revenge for our having to sit through the fellowship of the ring in the first friggin' row back in 2001 when the ticketing fascists released our reservations 'cos we were all of 3 minutes late.

i hope the poor, late suckers whose tickets we pinched enjoyed their first row seats, then. *eg*

movie was quite ok i suppose, considering i'm not an x-men fan. actually i've never read a single comic of theirs before. the x-chicks are babes. with the exception of rogue, who could do with a little less icecream.

hmm. i just had an incredibly disgusting, yet perversely fascinating thought - wouldn't it be cool to see magneto and professor x get it on?
or is that just my fetish for bald old men talki......

uhm. subject change!

right. so after that we had dinner at nydc. mudpie. mmmmmm. ( attn yan: it isn't really made of mud! :-p ) then i joined the 4 witches at starbucks for a bit. they were incredibly embarrassing to be with, as usual.

i really must remember to bring a paper bag to hide my head in next time...