Thursday, December 18, 2003

right. my blog has unclogged its publishing colon, thereby allowing the turds which are my posts to flow through and splat in an ugly brown smelly mess onto the information superhighway.

see that up there? i'm practicing for one of those "worst introduction in literature" or whatever awards. a terrible, laboured analogy ending up with the piece de resistance - a cliché!

i think i still need more practice. it isn't easy coming up with crap...

anyway. update - pretty much settled into the new house. just connected the internet. finished unpacking. and i looked at everything i had unpacked , and i was pleased with what i saw.

ok. that was another bad one. i wonder if plagiarising the bible is a sin?
well, i'm already going to hell anyway.

so i just started my driving course today. i'm pretty chuffed - its definitely the best course available among the those my company is doing right now, imo. there're missile operators - weapons are bloody boring, missile or not. the recce guys who're learning to ride motorbikes - that's ok but learning to drive is more practical i think. and safer. scout course? no thanks.

so yeah. plus this course is stay out! so i'll be sleeping at home for a month! woot!

learning how to drive a jeep first. had an introductory go at it this afternoon and i think i'm doing ok. my instructor says i've got a natural talent for it and i pick things up really fast and i'm the best among his group of 5 trainees. that, in case you didn't realise, was a gratuitous self-plug. go me! :-p

but then again maybe he's telling the same thing to everyone else.

one downer is that there's quite a lot of theory lessons - friggin' boring. was struggling to stay awake. and i'm not sure i believe it, but its only the first day and i've already got homework: 120 MCQs of highway code TYS! man. and i thought school was bad.

and to top it off, my instructor wants his trainees to find a t-junction and a cross-junction, and stand there observing how the traffic lights work!

another one is that the camp we're at is quite ulu. 's in the middle of construction sites and industrial estates. and later on we'll be shifting to mandai camp for operational training; 'cos mandai camp is right next to the safti training ground. which, incidentally, the NASA used to train their astronauts because the terrain there so closely resembles the moon's. entire companies of men have been known to fall into the potholes along lorong asrama. *nods*


errr. i think maybe i haven't been using my brain for too long because everything i've typed so far seems rather crap. leagues below my usual world-class ( to use one of the gahmen's fave phrases ), pulitzer-standard writing.

snort / roll your eyes / laugh and i will rip your nose / eyes / bit-of-your-anatomy-in-charge-of-laughing ( tongue, is it? larynx? kidney? ) out of your body cavity with my bare hands.

well, maybe not with my bare hands. can't be too careful these days, what with all those nasty diseases going around. so i shall rip your nose / eyes / thingy out of your body cavity with my surgical-glove-covered-hands, sissy looking as it may be.
