blogger has suddenly come up with heap lotta new features.
here is some blah i ripped off from defective yeti - ">
Laugh out loud moment. When Lehrer points out that Kerry has repeatedly accused bush of "lying to the American people," the Senator replied, "well, I‘ve never, ever used the harshest word. "
You could practically smell the gears in Kerry's head turning:
I better not say "I've never used the word 'lied.'" Because if I do, and it turns out I have used the word 'lied' -- and I probably have -- the Republicans will nail me for it. So instead I'll say "I've never used the harshest word." That way, if they uncover a instance where I said "lied," I can say "no, no -- the harshest word is 'hamsterfucker.'"
referring to the us presidentiarial debates of course. i watched about the first 20 minutes of it until i got bored of mixed signals this mixed signals iraq that.
in other news i'm happy to announce that i've been out of camp for nearly 2 weeks now courtesy of a bout of dengue fever. tomorrow is the last day of my sick leave but i've got a follow-up appointment at sgh in the morning and hopefully i can wrangle a few more days off.
incidentally this morning a couple of guys from the nea or whatever - the gahmen agency in charge of mosquitos - came by to check the house for mosquito breeding spots. it would seem that hospitals have to report dengue cases as a matter of fact. it just struck me as being something which'd happen only in singapore.
on the other have different fingers
All I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power. - Ashleigh Brilliant