Saturday, January 03, 2004

damn it. i spent hours downloading l'auberge espagnole only to find it didn't at least have the courtesy to come with subtitles. 's all in french! i mean, who speaks french, anyway?


it could take a lesson in having-the-good-manners-to-come-with-subtitles from amélie.

you're damn right i'm being irrational!
*chews foot off*

maybe that's just being crazy.
or being a trapped hyena. ( is it true? )

Monday, December 29, 2003

French Thieves Drive Victim Home for Christmas Eve - PARIS (Reuters) - A pair of thieves who seized a van loaded with pricey designer goods on Wednesday took a two-hour detour so they could drive the owner home for his Christmas Eve dinner, before fleeing with the loot.

Sicily Man Arranges Shooting to Woo Woman - A man in Sicily asked a friend to shoot him in the groin in the hope of making his ex-girlfriend feel sorry for him, police said on Friday.

idiot! and if she had gotten back together with you, then what?
now that would've been irony.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

my driving instructor is this short, round little man named mr loh who talks in a slightly effeminate manner.

he's very insistent that you do whatever he says to the letter. the moment you deviate the slightest bit from his instructions, he'll sort of swell up and go into a spastic rage and accuse you of not trusting him. this dumpy little man, screaming "fucking...cheebye...i am a tasty pastry..." and spraying saliva on my arm.

why do i always get the nutjobs?

i mean, shit, it isn't my fault if i can't stop before some stupid white line! its my first goddamn time driving!
i've since been downgraded to his second best student out of the five of us.

its vaguely insulting being screamed at by this guy, who most closely resembles a dumpling.
kinda like being attacked by a rabid bak chang.

swear that was the medicine talking.